Monday 13 June 2011

Production – Room and Object Shape

I have begun production of my environment project and have started with the main shape of the room. To do this I created a cylinder and sliced it into a half. Then I used the shell modifier on the cylinder to create the inside of my room. After that, I used inset on the sides and extruded out wards to create the tunnels of the subway and used shell a second time. Finally to create the stair-case I extruded a polygon on the side of the cylinder and then moved the edges to make a corridor. Then I made a box and extruded each of the polygons at a different height to create a staircase.

I then moved on to creating the Train tracks by using the cut tool to make some polygons in the middle of the room and then extruded the polygons to create a dip where the tunnel is. To make the rails I made a box with lots of polygons on the side and then moved the edges to make a curve. Then, to make the wooden planks, I just created a box and then copied it all the way down the tracks. The final object I made was the pillars which were easily done making a box, using the slice plane to add polygons, and then moving the edges to make the curves at the base.

Next week I will try to improve some of the objects that I have made and try to apply textures that I have gained to the objects. I think the objects I have made today are up to the standard that was expected in my environment work and they don’t have as many polygons as I would have thought, however, the room walls have too many polygons for a game and will have to be cleaned up at a later date.

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