Friday 20 May 2011


The assignment brief tells me to create a 3D environment that will demonstrate my skills in 3DS Max. To demonstrate my skills I will have to use effects and techniques that I have learned in 3DS Max such as fog, lighting and fire effects. I will also have to demonstrate that I know how to render out my final 3D model properly, making it look the best that it can.

To answer the brief I will create a spooky, horror type environment like a subway. This is because I can use lighting more effectively and also justifies the use of fog, since it creates atmosphere and can also mimic the effect of dust. Also, I can add fire into the scene by adding Flaming Debris or barrels used by homeless people to add more affects and light up my scene in more interesting ways. My target market for this project would be teenagers, since they are usually more interested in the horror genre and they are more accepting of the dark theme. Also they may be interested in looking at 3D models online because they are interested in how games are made and like the look of 3D work as apposed to traditional artwork.

I aim to demonstrate my skills in using lighting to create atmosphere and also lighting up dark areas using omni lights. I have already had practise in using lighting and can use the target and omni lights to light up a scene in a realistic way. I wish to be able to create a dark environment but also keep it light enough so that there is no part of it that is impossible to see. For this I will have to learn how to change the settings on omni and target lights so that it light up a dark area while still looking realistic. I am also going to show that I can use effects in 3Ds Max such as fire and fog appropriately and effectively. I want to be able to create fog so that it makes the scene look old and abandoned and also make fire so that I can light up the scene in a different way. For this I will have to learn how to adjust the density of the fog and how low it is, and also learns how to adjust the settings of fire so that it doesn’t increase the rendering times too much.

To complete this project I will need Photoshop .This will be available to me at home as well as in college but are not on the computers that we can use in the library so I can’t work at break times in college. The program will help me create completely new textures for me to use in my 3D environment so is a very important tool in my work. I will also need 3DS Max which I also have at home and in college. This is needed to create the actual models in my 3D environment and render them out so it is the most important tool I need in this project since it brings everything together. I will also need the internet to help me in my project. This is readily available almost anywhere so wont be a problem to use. I will use this to gather research for my project including pictures of existing subways and also find inspiration for textures and objects that could be used in the environment.

There are legal restrictions for my work that I have to follow such as not using copyrighted textures, which can be found online, in my own work. I can avoid doing this by creating most of my textures from scratch. There are also ethical issues such as adding blood into my scene, as it may offend a smaller age group and also offend other people if there has been a recent tragedy in the news. To keep myself organised I am going to create an action plan describing what I am going to do each week. To evaluate my work I am going to use my blog post to look back on what I have done I gain feedback from other people on the internet. I will use the blog to help me do better next time and learn from mistakes.

The main targets of my work that will help me know if my work is a success are: the lighting looks realistic and allows you to see the whole of the scene, including the dark areas; the environment will look old and run-down and the scene has a lot of grimy looking textures that are made by me.

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